sivir aram: A Guide to Unlocking Your Inner Strength

sivir aram: A Guide to Unlocking Your Inner Strength

sivir aram is a ranged AD (Attack Damage) carry known for her ability to clear waves quickly and deal significant damage to both single targets and groups. Her kit includes:

  • Passive – Fleet of Foot: Grants a movement speed boost after hitting an enemy champion with an ability.
  • Q – Boomerang Blade: Throws a boomerang that deals damage on the way out and back.
  • W – Ricochet: Enhances basic attacks to bounce between targets, dealing additional damage.
  • E – Spell Shield: Provides a spell shield that blocks incoming crowd control and enhances Sivir’s next attack.
  • R – On the Hunt: Grants a movement speed boost to Sivir and her allies, allowing for aggressive plays and quick escapes.

In ARAM, Sivir excels at dealing sustained damage and providing utility through her spell shield and movement speed buff.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Exceptional Wave Clear: Sivir’s Q and W allow her to clear minion waves quickly, making her an invaluable asset in ARAM’s constant skirmishes.
  • High Damage Output: Her W’s ricochet effect and Q’s high damage output enable her to deal substantial damage to both enemies and objectives.
  • Utility: Her E provides a spell shield, making her resilient to crowd control, while her R offers a significant movement speed boost for engaging or disengaging.


  • Vulnerable to Burst Damage: Sivir lacks innate mobility and can be vulnerable to champions that can burst her down quickly.
  • Dependent on Positioning: Sivir requires good positioning to maximize her damage and avoid getting caught by enemy crowd control.

2. Building Sivir for ARAM

Core Items

Sivir’s build in ARAM should focus on maximizing her damage output and enhancing her survivability. Key items to consider include:

  • Kraken Slayer: Provides attack speed, AD, and a passive that deals bonus damage every third attack, ideal for Sivir’s auto-attack-based playstyle.
  • Infinity Edge: Increases Sivir’s critical strike damage, making her basic attacks and ricochet hits significantly more powerful.
  • Bloodthirster: Grants lifesteal and bonus AD, helping Sivir sustain in team fights and recover health from her attacks.


  • Berserker’s Greaves: Enhances attack speed, allowing Sivir to auto-attack more frequently and synergizing well with her damage output.

Defensive Items

  • Guardian Angel: Provides additional AD and a passive revive, giving Sivir a second chance in crucial team fights.
  • Mercurial Scimitar: Offers magic resist, AD, and a spell shield, providing both offensive and defensive benefits.


Primary: Precision

  • Keystone – Conqueror: Provides stacking AD and healing on hits, enhancing Sivir’s sustain in extended fights.
  • Triumph: Restores health and provides bonus gold on takedowns, increasing Sivir’s survivability and gold income.
  • Legend: Bloodline: Grants lifesteal, improving Sivir’s sustain in fights.
  • Last Stand: Increases damage output when low on health, providing additional damage in critical moments.

Secondary: Sorcery

  • Nimbus Cloak: Grants a movement speed boost after using summoner spells, aiding in both offensive and defensive plays.
  • Absolute Focus: Provides additional AD when Sivir is above 70% health, enhancing her damage output.

3. Mastering Sivir’s Gameplay

Early Game

During the early stages of ARAM, focus on:

  • Wave Clearing: Use Sivir’s Q and W to clear minion waves efficiently. This will help you push lanes and maintain pressure on the enemy team.
  • Positioning: Stay behind your frontline and use your spell shield to block incoming crowd control. Positioning is crucial to avoid getting caught and to maximize your damage output.

Mid Game

In the mid-game phase:

  • Objective Control: Utilize Sivir’s wave clear to push lanes and secure objectives like the Rift Herald or Dragon. Her ability to clear minions quickly can help your team gain control over the map.
  • Team Fights: In team fights, focus on positioning yourself to deal damage while staying safe from enemy threats. Use your W to bounce damage between targets and maximize your damage output.

Late Game

In the late game:

  • Utilize On the Hunt: Use Sivir’s R to engage or disengage fights effectively. The movement speed boost can help your team catch enemies or escape dangerous situations.
  • Focus Fire: In team fights, prioritize high-value targets and use your Q and W to deal damage across multiple enemies. Proper positioning and timing are crucial for making the most of your abilities.

4. Tips and Tricks

Effective Use of Spell Shield

  • Timing is Key: Use your spell shield (E) strategically to block incoming crowd control or high-impact abilities. Don’t waste it on minor abilities.
  • Predictive Use: Anticipate enemy crowd control or skill shots and activate your spell shield preemptively to maximize its effectiveness.

Maximizing Ricochet Damage

  • Targeting: Aim to hit as many enemies as possible with your W’s ricochet effect. Position yourself to maximize the number of bounces and deal optimal damage.
  • Combining with Q: Use your Q in combination with W to maximize damage output. The boomerang blade can hit enemies who are out of reach of your ricochet bounces.

Managing Cooldowns

  • Ability Timing: Manage your ability cooldowns effectively to ensure you always have your spell shield ready when needed and that you’re using your Q and W to their full potential.

5. Conclusion

Unlocking your inner strength with sivir aram in ARAM involves understanding her role, optimizing her build, and mastering her gameplay. By focusing on her strengths, managing her weaknesses, and applying the right strategies, you can become a formidable force on the battlefield. With the tips and insights provided in this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to make the most of Sivir’s potential and lead your team to victory in ARAM. Embrace the challenge, hone your skills, and let Sivir’s power propel you to success.






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